Hi, my name is Jim Arnold and I am the sole proprietor of Cam Valley Programmes and Tickets.
Having been an avid stamp and coin collector in my youth, I progressed in later years to football programmes and railway tickets based on two of my primary hobbies and interests.
Focusing primarily on non league and FA Cup programmes, I have built a collection which is dynamic and ever changing. I also have a significant collection of Bath City FC programmes dating from1948 onwards.
Having travelled by train since a young boy I started collecting railway tickets from an early age. My most early ticket memory is travelling from Bath to Midford (or was it Wellow?) with my Mum on the SDJR. I have built a collection from all eras, companies and regions which again is ever changing.
I also collect other memorabilia covering sporting events and other transport tickets.
My other interests include allotment gardening, travel, investing, property refurbishment (thanks to my wife) whilst I enjoy watching rugby (Bedford Blues), football and cricket as well as hiking. I'm also Trustee and Chair of a supporting people charity based in Oxford.
If you've any questions about collecting, are a beginner or just want a chat then please contact me.